[Paper][Presentation] Alshehri, J., Stanojevic, M., Dragut, E., and Obradovic, Z., 2022. On Label Quality in Class Imbalance Setting - A Case Study. Proc. 21st International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, Special Session on Machine Learning for Natural Language Processing, Bahamas, December 2022.
[Paper] Alshehri, J., Stanojevic, M., Khan, P., Rapp, P., Dragut, E., and Obradovic, Z. (2022). MultiLayerET: A Unified Representation of Entities and Topics Using Multilayer Graphs. Proc. European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases, Grenoble, France, September 2022.
[Paper][Presentation] Alshehri, J.*, Stanojevic, M.*, Dragut, E., and Obradovic, Z. (2021). March. Stay on Topic, Please: Aligning User Comments to the Content of a News Article. In European Conference on Information Retrieval (pp. 3-17). Springer, Cham.
[Book Chapter] Stanojevic, M., Alshehri, J., and Obradovic, Z. (2021). High Performance Computing for Understanding Natural Language. In Handbook of Research on Methodologies and Applications of Supercomputing (pp. 133-144). IGI Global.
[Arxiv Report][Code] Pham, Q., Stanojevic, M., and Obradovic, Z. (2020, May). Extracting Entities and Topics from News and Connecting Criminal Records. In arXiv preprint arXiv:2005.00950.
[Paper][Presentation][Code] Stanojevic, M.*, Alshehri, J.*, and Obradovic, Z. (2019, Aug). Surveying Public Opinion Using Label Prediction on Social Media Data. In 2019 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM) (pp. 188-195). IEEE.
[Paper][Poster][Presentation][Code] Stanojevic, M., Alshehri, J., Dragut, E.C. and Obradovic, Z. (2019, Jun). Biased News Data Influence on Classifying Social Media Posts. In 3rd International Workshop on Recent Trends in News Information Retrieval (NewsIR 2019), collocated with 42nd International ACM SIGIR Conf. on Research Development in Information retrieval.
[Paper][Presentation] Han, C., Cao, X.H., Stanojevic, M., Ghalwash, M. and Obradovic, Z., (2019, May). Temporal Graph Regression via Structure-Aware Intrinsic Representation Learning. In Proceedings of the 2019 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (pp. 360-368). Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.
[Grant] Secured a grant with Zoran Obradovic as the Principal Investigator and myself as a collaborator, resulting in an award of 7,500 node hours on TACC Supercomputer resources.